RB November Ballot Measures
$93-Million dollar City Bond for Police & Fire Buildings. County Ballot: Measure FP
FP To recruit/retain qualified firefighters/paramedics/police, improve Redondo Beach’s ability to provide fire/police protection and 911 response, help keep Redondo Beach safe by repairing/replacing/upgrading deteriorated fire/police stations/facilities, including removing asbestos and mold, shall Redondo Beach’s measure authorizing $ 93,350,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying on average $ 17.45 per $ 100,000 of assessed valuation, generating approximately $6,280,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight, spending disclosure, and all funds spent locally, be adopted?
Ballot Arguments AGAINST. -NONE FILED.
Measure DD Update; City Charter Article 27 Update, County Ballot: Measure RB
RB PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT. Shall the measure be adopted (1) amending the Redondo Beach City Charter sections relating to “ Major Changes in Allowable Land Use” in conformity with a Superior Court ruling that the voter approval requirement of the City Charter shall not apply to an amendment to, or update of, the Housing Element of the City’s General Plan, or the zoning changes contemplated by the Draft Housing Element; and (2) changing the requirement that sample ballot materials be “mailed” to “made available”?
Ballot Arguments AGAINST. -NONE FILED.
School Board Charter Amendment, County Ballot: Measure SD
SD PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT. Shall Article XVI Redondo Beach Unified School District pertaining to Section 16.1 Board Members remove without compensation, except necessary expenses when acting as a designated representative of the Board of Education as provided in the Education Code of the State of California?
Ballot Arguments FOR.
Ballot Arguments AGAINST. -NONE FILED.
School Board School Board, County Ballot: Measure S
S Redondo Beach School Repair/Student Safety Measure. To improve quality education and protect student safety by repairing/replacing leaky roofs, deteriorating plumbing/sewer systems, outdated heating/cooling systems, portable classrooms, upgrading classrooms/learning technology, and making student safety/school security improvements, shall Redondo Beach Unified School District’s measure be adopted authorizing $278,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, levying $29.95 per $100,000 assessed value ($14,940,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent oversight, audits, spending disclosure and all funds locally controlled?
Ballot Arguments FOR. Not yet Published.
Ballot Arguments AGAINST. Not yet Published.